Belgium experiments with mystical full moon beer | Reuters

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The other day I came across an article about a Belgian beer brewed during the full moon, which claims that, apparently, yeast is more active during the full moon, giving the beer "an extra punch."

Is that really true?  I'd like to hear from some brewers about this.  Do you want a quick, vigorous fermentation, or a long, slow one?  Does the speed of fermentation really affect the flavor of the beer that much in the end?  My impression has always been that a faster fermentation means that the wort is warmer than usual, and that yeast fermenting in hotter environments can produce strange off flavors.  But in this beer's case, the speed comes from the full moon.  I mean, if that can actually happen.

Homebrewers, brewmasters, chime in and let us know what's up with this sort of thing.

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